Some basic facts about batteries [Rafael J. Harris Blog]

Battery for any kind of product is something like a piggy bank. If you are just about taking out from the piggy bank and putting nothing in, then soon you will be with nothing in hand. The battery life on average of late has become limited just as the energy requirements have hiked. The life span of any battery primarily depends on its usage. It could be anything between 6 to 48 months, but however, only 30 percent of the batteries give a life span of somewhere near 48 hours.

Basic Overview:
The acid batteries of lead type are made up of plates, lead oxide and lead. The composition consists of 65 percent of the water solution and remaining 35 percent for the sulfuric solution. The solution is known as the electrolyte and it generates a chemical reaction for the formation of electrons. If you use a hydrometer for the testing of the electrolyte solution, then you are actually measuring the quantity of the sulfuric acid. If the reading is on the low side, then it means that the chemistry of the production of electron is not strong. As long as the sulfur is concerned, it actually gets stuck with the positive plates of the battery. Once, the battery goes for a recharge, then the sulfur actually returns back to the electrolyte. 

Safety with the batteries is of prime importance. In case of working with the batteries and particularly in their maintenance then you need to be extra careful. Everybody is advised to handle it with care by removing all jewelry items and metallic objects from the body. It is also advised to wear the plastic gloves and the safety goggles. Further, you must be sure that you are working well away from any kind of open flame and there shouldn’t be any smoking at all there. The batteries are known to produce the hydrogen gas while charging and it can be extremely explosive. 

The sulfuric acid is known for destroying all cotton fabrics but there is no wear and tear shown on the wool or polyester. If you are doing some kind of electrical kind of work on the vehicle, then it is highly recommended to disconnect the battery from the ground cable. The things regarding the safety and security that should always be running down on your mind includes the explosive gases, hazardous acid and 100s of AMPs of electrical current.

Types of batteries:

In the battery industry, there are basically two distinct types available. The first one is the cranking or the starting type while the other one is the deep cycle battery. The starting type of battery is typically designed giving some quick bursts of energy and in giving a much higher plate count. This kind of a thing is particularly required to be in the starting engines. The plates used with such batteries are found to be thinner with far more testing area. The material composition on the other side also has some different composition of the material.  
The deep cycle battery on the other side is known to provide users with far less instant energy. But, the good thing is that it has far better and longer, long term delivery of the energy. The batteries of the deep cycle types like if you have a best marine battery which is used in the marine systems come with relatively thick size of the plates. It is typically made in order to survive for a larger number of the deeper discharge cycles. The starting batteries on the other hand shouldn’t be used for any of the deep cycle applications.
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